Food For Thought

15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”

Genesis 3:15 NKJV

There was a promise made from the very beginning, when God made man.  When God made us, He did so with the desire to dwell with us for everlasting life.  Sadly, Adam and Eve were disobedient in the garden and their sin has perpetuated throughout every generation.  

Now, something we should all know is that God is faithful to His desire.  Where we may give up on ourselves and on others, God doesn’t and will never give up on us.  RIght there in the garden, God made a promise to mankind.  God promised that sin would not be the end of us.  He promised that the wicked and the evil won’t be the end of us.  God looked on the serpent and promised that Satan, the devil, will not be the end of us!

Right there in the garden, God revealed His plan to send His only begotten Son to the world, through woman, for the purpose of defeating that which stands in mankind’s way.  God promised the defeat of the wicked and the evil.  God promised the defeat of sin.  God looked on the serpent and promised the defeat of Satan, the devil.  

Did God keep the promise that He made from the beginning?  We celebrate the birth of Christ – who came to this world, through the womb of a virgin, being God in the flesh.  In His flesh, what did Christ do for us?  He got us the victory.  God has proven Himself and has kept that which He promised to us from the very beginning.

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