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A Sincere Heart

Preached from July 2 – July 23, 2023

This series of sermons takes a look at the manner in which we as sincere believers are to live in this world. The world may be a bitter and cold place but we believers must live in a manner that honors the Lord and those around us. Are you living in a manner where your conduct is a conduct of honor?

1. Honor the Lord

Preached July 2, 2023

Can a man rob God? Do you honor the Lord or do you rob God of the honor that is due. In today’s sermon, I take a look at how one can dishonor the Lord and how we ought to live our lives honoring God, His promise, and His instructions.

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2. Moving in Sincere Faith

Preached July 9, 2023

The Word of God has been sown for a truly great purpose. When we live by the Word we become a righteous tree of God in a world that whose seasons can kill anything. In today’s sermon, I discuss why God desires for you to be as a tree.

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3. Is Your Heart on Fire For God?

Preached July 16, 2023

In this week’s sermon I ask the question: Is your heart on fire for God? Our heart must be on fire for God but something is dimming the fire of the Church. So, how do we reignite our fire and keep it burning for the Lord?

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4. God’s Reward for Living Sincerely

Preached July 23, 2023

God’s reward for living in sincere faith is one we should not dismiss but greatly value. In this week’s sermon I show you the picture Christ has given to us of God’s reward of salvation to show you that it is worth living for.

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