Lesson Info:

Lesson 12 Summer Quarter
Lesson Text:  Acts 9:10-20
Golden Text: Acts 9:15

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This week’s lesson continues our look at their being healing through faith in Christ.  Over the past few weeks, we have seen that there is power in the name of Jesus and that we should minister His name throughout the world.  All can be healed by Christ but we must have faith in Him in order to be healed. We are going to see that again in our lesson this week through Paul.  This week’s lesson is being taught from Acts 9:10-20.

Ananias Sent to Paul

Our lesson opens with a certain disciple named Ananias who had a vision from the Lord (v.10).  Certain disciple, I want you to understand that this does not mean that Ananias was one of the twelve that followed Christ; he was not an apostle.  Ananias was like us, a follower that heard the message of Christ and chose to follow and believe.  Later in the book of Acts, Paul described Ananias as a devout man according to the law who had a good testimony with all the Jews that dwelt in Damascus (Acts 22:11-12).

Saul of Tarsus

In this vision, the Lord called for Ananias to arise and go to the street called Straight and inquire for one called Saul of Tarsus who would be in the house of Judas praying (v.11).  Let’s take this moment in our lesson to talk about Paul.

At this point in time, prior to his conversion, Paul was going by his Hebrew name, Saul.  Paul was the son of a Pharisee, born in Tarsus of Cilicia with a Roman citizenship (Acts 22:25-28).  Paul was brought up in Jerusalem and was taught the law by Gamiliel, a Pharisee, who was a very strict keeper of the law himself, yet at the same time, he had a very level-head when it came to the way of Christ (Acts 5:34-39).

In the strictness that he was raised in, Paul was not as level-headed as Gamiliel in the beginning when it came to the way of Christ.  Paul tells us himself in his writings that he persecuted the early church with a desire to destroy it (1 Cor. 15:9; Gal. 1:13).  Paul even speaks to the fact that stood by and watched as Stephen was stoned to death (Acts 22:20).

So, Saul of Tarsus (Paul) was not a good man in those days.  Paul genuinely believed he was doing the right thing on behalf of God by persecuting false teachers.  However, he would come to realize that he was working against God on the road to Damascus when Christ paid him a visit (Acts 9:1-9).

After Christ paid Saul a visit, scripture indicates to us that Paul was left not being able to see anyone when he opened his eyes; he was blind.  We know that Paul was blind because scripture tells us that he had to be led by the hand and brought into Damascus.  Scripture makes it even more clear to us that Paul had been blinded because we are specifically told that he went three days without sight and in those three days he did not eat or drink.

I want to suggest that Paul was sitting in the dark (not in literal darkness) fasting and we already know that he had been praying to God according to scripture.  As Ananias had been given a vision by God, scripture tells us that Paul also had received a vision from the Lord (v.12).  In Paul’s vision, he saw Ananias coming to him to give him back his sight.  So, yes, I believe Paul was fasting and waiting for the one that God was going to send to him.

Ananias’ hesitation

As you can imagine, the idea of having to go visit Paul was probably terrifying to Ananias and scripture does not hide this from us!  Ananias hesitates and says to the Lord that he has heard of the man named Saul and how he had brought about great harm to the saints in Jerusalem (vss.13-14).  In fact, we know that had he not been visited by Christ, Paul was on his way to Damascus for the purpose of bringing harm to the saints that were taking up refuge in the city.

So, I would say to you that it is pretty understandable that Ananias was a bit hesitant, or afraid, about going to see Paul.  I can imagine that many of us have had moments where we have been a bit hesitant or fearful about doing work on behalf of God.  I have met several people along the way that have expressed to me their fears as to why they are hesitant to speak of their faith with others.  For some, it boils down to confidence, and then for others, it could be that they are afraid of what others may think or say about them.

I am someone who has certainly had moments, especially in the early days of my walk of faith, where I have been a bit hesitant or fearful of sharing the word of God with others.  Yet, I would tell you today that in our hesitation that we must not hesitate, but rather, we should put our trust in the Lord.  God is always going to put you in a position where your help is needed.

To Ananias, the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.  For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake (vss.15-16).”  Ananias’ hesitance somewhat reminds me of Jonah, though Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh because of his hatred towards the people in Nineveh.  Ananias, I don’t believe, hated Paul but he was more so fearful of what Paul would do to him.

Now, Jonah had no idea what the Lord had intended for the people of Nineveh, and honestly, I don’t believe he cared all that much initially.  Ananias, initially, did not understand why the Lord was sending him to Paul so God cleared things up immediately for Ananias.  So, Ananias had no need to be hesitant or even fearful of going to see Paul.  Again, as those who have been commissioned by the Lord, we too must learn not to be hesitant or fearful when the Lord is directing our steps – trust in Him and have faith.

Paul receives his sight

With this comfort, Ananias made his way to the street called Straight and entered the house of Judas where Paul was.  Ananias said to Paul, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit (v.17).”

Now, I want to spend a moment to touch on Paul receiving his sight.  Of course, we are going to think about Paul receiving his physical sight because he was literally blind.  Yes, Paul certainly did receive his physical sight, but I want you to understand that Paul was not just physically blind.  You see, Paul was also spiritually blind.

Scripture speaks to the fact that many people are blind or have a veil covering their eyes spiritually.  Jesus said it Himself, “For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may be made blind (John 9:39).”  Jesus was talking about spiritual sight in this statement; He came to give spiritual sight to those who could not see spiritually.

However, those who are blinded by the world that choose not to have their eyes opened by the truth from Christ, they will remain blind.  Paul did not desire for his eyes to remain veiled as he chose to live by the truth, the only truth.  As Jesus referenced from the book of Isaiah, “He (God) has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, lest they should see with their eyes, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them (John 12:39-41).”

So, I want you to understand that Paul’s healing was not just a physical healing as it was also a spiritual healing as well.  You see, Paul was not just given his physical sight but the veil was taken off his eyes through his faith in Christ (2 Cor. 3:14).  We are told in the book of Acts that immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptized (v.18).

After this, Paul, we are told, received and was strengthened.  Paul would spend some days with the disciples at Damascus and then we are told that he immediately went and preached Christ in the synagogues (vss.19-20).  When the veil is taken away from your eyes and you can see clearly, your walk will change and you will be moved to preach about what you now see!  Paul would go on to write to the Corinthians that one walks by faith and not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7).

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