Food For Thought

Food For Thought For June 15, 2023

Appreciate What God Has Given | Matthew 20:14-15

Read This Passage: Matt. 20:1-16

14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

Matthew 20:14-15 NKJV

One of the grave dangers for those who are open to faith in the Lord is the lingering of the worldly doctrine that’s been ingrained within us since we were little. I can remember growing up and how as children, we were taught about how great it would be to be rich financially. Some grew up doing chores around the house and getting an allowance to add funds to their piggy bank. However, as children, we learned the way of envy, covetousness, and greed; we began to not appreciate whatever we had gained or whatever as given to us.

On that note, many of us bring the way of envy, covetousness, and greed into our relationship with the Lord and this is a terrible habit we must break. The Lord blesses and blesses us over and over again, doesn’t He? Yet, many of us fail to appreciate all that the Lord does for us and gives to as we expect for more and more, better and better. In God’s eyes, His blessings are all the same, there is no difference. Honestly, it took me a long time to come to understand that the blessing God has given to me is just as unique as the blessing He has given to another.

To envy what others have received would be to despise what God has done for you. Let us not become envious of what others have received from the Lord. God gives and He gives to all liberally. Appreciate what the Lord has given to you. What He has given to you was given out of love.

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