Blessed and Highly Favored One | Luke 1:29-30
December 18, 2023
Food For Thought For December 18, 2023
Blessed and Highly Favored One | Luke 1:29-30
Read This Passage: Luke 1:26-3829 But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. 30 Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.
Luke 1:29-30 NKJV
Let us not overlook the very first things that Gabriel said to Mary when he visited her to announce her giving birth to Christ. Gabriel said to her, initially, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women (Luke 1:28)!” When Mary heard the angel say this to her, she frowned at the manner of greeting – she was startled. Then, Gabriel, again, said to her that she had found favor with God.
What I love so much about this moment is that Mary was just going about her day as any other typical day when Gabriel visited her. The world would have viewed Mary as just another unassuming woman; we know that Mary and Joseph did not have great wealth so the world would have most definitely thought there was nothing special about her. However, in God’s eyes, there was nothing unassuming about her as she was truly special in the eyes of God. Do you know today that you are one that has also found favor with God?
What I love about the giving of the only begotten Son is that while the world may not think that we are special, God thinks much differently! How do I know this? Well, God gave the world His only begotten Son even though we was lost in sin. Do you understand how loved and favored you are to be loved by God while you was lost in sin? You are incredibly special in that God gave His one and only Son to save you – don’t ever think you’re not loved and favored by the Lord. Celebrating the birth of Christ is proof that you are! As God was with Mary, He is with you, and that is also proof that you are favored by God!
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