Finding Vision in the Dark Times Through God’s Grace
Shared on February 2, 2025
Jesus came to the world to give vision to those without sight. Are you one who is spiritually blind and needs to be given sight to see? Are you struggling or missing out on seeing the beauty of life? Many are blinded by darkness today and live needing Jesus’ healing touch.
Spiritual Blindness Explained
A man who was born blind is a key figure in our Sunday school lesson this week. The disciples were curious as to whether or not he or his parents had sinned which led to him being born blind (John 9:2).
Their question implied that they thought the man’s affliction was the result of living sinfully. When trials, tribulations, afflictions, and infirmities come your way, is it because of sinful living? Sure, in John 15:2, Jesus makes it clear that the Lord prunes the branches that don’t bear any fruit. We gardeners will prune plants so that healthy branches can grow and bear more fruit while branching off.
Yet, the implication that all infirmities and afflictions are the results of sinful living shows a lack of understanding on the disciples’ part. I don’t believe the disciples would be ashamed of saying they lacked understanding in that moment. There are many today who lack such understanding but will choose to speak against and condemn others. So much hate has been put in the world because of spiritual ignorance.
Their lack of understanding spoke to spiritual blindspot – or darkness. We often think of darkness being nothing but sin, but spiritual darkness (blindness) can also speak to ignorance as well. The important thing is that the ignorant (those truly not knowing) learn to know. When one has been taught but chooses to continue to move out of darkness, they become a fool.
Man’s knowledge and understanding are limited. Why is our knowledge and understanding limited? Well, we hinder ourselves by limiting our minds to what is “known and true” according to the world. Many of us even limit the Lord because we try to apply worldly doctrine to God. Worldly sight blinds us to the kingdom of God.
So, for us to gain vision – understanding – we shouldn’t turn further to worldly doctrine, should we? Absolutely not! We should turn to the one who is omniscient – all-knowing – so that He can give us sight.
Jesus Gives Sight to the Disciples
Now, before He moved to give vision to the man who was without sight physically, Jesus needed to enlighten HIs disciples.
Jesus’ answer to the disciples, in John 9:3-4, points out that not all of our afflictions are because of a sin we have committed. The fact of the matter is that God permits life to happen. Yes, the Lord will certainly intervene when we pray to Him and when He chooses, but He also lets life run its course. You have heard me point out recently that nothing is happening in the world that God isn’t aware of.
Now, there are other times when our afflictions serves to glorify the Lord. Jesus said of Lazarus’ sickness and death, “This sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it (John 11:4).” Lazarus’ death served the purpose of revealing Christ to those who may have not believed in Him.
Many of us will not like to hear this but, yes, God will use your tribulations to reveal His works to those who don’t believe. While some may see your struggle as a curse, God uses your affliction to be a blessing for those who may believe. You see, the Lord’s desire is for all to be saved! This is why Jesus said, “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world (John 9:5).”
Jesus Gives Sight to a Blind Man
Jesus healing the blind man using “mud cakes”, as my dad would say, is one of the more fascinating ways He gave sight to one who was literally blind. Why did Jesus spit on the ground and make clay to give this blind man sight? On other occasions, Jesus would simply touch the eyes of the blind, without clay, to give them sight (Matt. 9:27-31).
This is a case where Jesus was still teaching His disciples a spiritual lesson. Let’s consider the man’s eyes to be a representation of the soul. When God made man, man was perfect but then man fell to sin in the garden. Sin corrupts the soul. As it’s said in Isaiah 64:6, we are all like an unclean thing, like filthy rags.
So, Jesus covering the man’s eyes, you could say, represents the soul being a filthy mess – covered in sin. Notice that the man’s vision did not come to him after Jesus anointed his eyes with the clay. The man didn’t gain any vision until he washed in the pool as Jesus had instructed him (John 9:7). It was the man obeying Jesus’ instructions that gave him sight!
Jesus gave His life to atone for the sins of all people, yet not everyone is saved, are they? Why is everybody not saved? Jesus said that all who believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. Not everyone believes in Christ, nor does everyone live in obedience to His way. Therefore, not everyone has been washed clean but the opportunity is there.
Choosing to Remain Blind?
This is an opportunity that the formerly blind man attempted to share with his neighbors and those familiar with him (John 9:8-12). When he was brought to the Pharisees, the formerly blind man testified of Jesus giving Him sight (John 9:13-15).
No matter the man’s testimony, the Pharisees ignored him. They accused Jesus of not being from God because Jesus didn’t keep the Sabbath (John 9:16). Their accusation against Jesus was that Jesus was a sinner. Let’s be clear, the religious leaders were choosing to remain blind and in the dark, spiritually.
The book of Proverbs does not speak kindly about those who purposefully make such a choice. Proverbs 1:5,7 states that a wise man is attentive and will increase their learning a man of understanding attains wise counsel. However, fools despise wisdom and instruction.
There is a difference between one who is ignorant and one who is a fool. The ignorant one is one that, while in the dark, is in darkness because they lack understanding. Truthfully, all of us are ignorant about something.
However, a fool has heard wisdom but chooses to ignore it. To be clear, the fool chooses to be in darkness. The reason why a fool makes such a choice is because they believe their doctrine is better than the wisdom of the wise. Yet, the way of the fool leads to destruction and should not be followed (Prov. 14:12).
Choose to Walk in the Light
We live in a world of darkness. Oftentimes when I say that, I think of the bitterness, hatred, cruelty, malice, and violence that’s in our world. Yet there is a growing spirit of apostasy present in the world as mankind moves further away from God.
I’ve preached recently about how many live with a mindset where they don’t consider God or believe they need Him. I want to be clear when I say that this mindset is not a mindset of ignorance. You see, the word of God is freely available in all forms of media for all to receive should one choose to receive it.
Choice is the key. Every person has a choice of whether they will receive the word of God or not. Therefore, everyone has a choice of whether or not they will live in spiritual darkness. My hope is that you will choose to wash in the pool of Christ to cleanse your soul and gain spiritual sight.
Jesus said that those who walk while they have the light shall not stumble. So, I hope you choose to walk today while the vision of the path is lit. Those who walk in darkness, walk blindly, and truly they will stumble (John 11:9-10).
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