Food For Thought

for the Lord your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.’

Deuteronmy 20:4 NKJV

We have a bad habit of feeling like we are all alone in whatever it is we may go through.  When we call on family, friends, acquaintances, and nobody can help or support because they are dealing with life themselves, there can be a sense of loneliness.  Loneliness can become a very harmful spirit should loneliness spiral to the place of depression and despair.  

I want you to understand that the benefit of being in fellowship with the Lord is that you are never alone.  I want you to understand that there is no battle that you have to take on by yourself.  No matter your trails, tribulations, afflictions, temptations, or worries, you are not alone.  

This was a word that was shared with the children of Israel as they were making preparation to enter the Promised Land.  Sure, they had their fears about entering the land but when one is in fellowship with the Lord, why should we worry?  Who or what can defeat the Lord?  

We must remember in these days that the Lord has not forsaken us – He is still with us.  We must remember in these days that the Lord goes with us wherever we may, and He also goes before us.  We must remember that God will fight our battles – those trials, tribulations, afflictions, and temptations.  God won’t be defeated and if He won’t be defeated, that means you can’t be defeated.  So, let’s have some faith today – trust in the Lord.

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