God’s Deliverance: The Promise of Hope to All People
Shared on December 29, 2024
Christ wasn’t given just to one group of people. No, God has promised deliverance – salvation – to all people. As we have seen throughout this year, one must choose to lay hold of salvation. Have you chosen to lay hold of salvation – deliverance from sin?
Simeon Lays Hold of Deliverance
Luke 2:25 introduces us to a man named Simeon. Simeon was considered to be a “just” and “devout” man. To be just means that Simeon was a man of faith that was upright and justified in the eyes of God. To be devout meant that Simeon was genuinely committed in his walk of faith and fellowship with God. We assume Simeon was an older man because it was promised he would see God’s messiah before he saw death (Luke 2:26), but his age isn’t given.
Simeon was waiting for the “Consolation of Israel”. This is to say that Simeon was looking for the one that would come to comfort and uplift Israel. Simeon was waiting for God’s Messiah.
“The Holy Spirit was upon him.” This is now the third time in Luke’s recording of Christ that we see the activity of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came upon Mary and she conceived Christ in her womb (Luke 1:35). Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit when Mary came to visit her before she gave birth to John the Baptist (Luke 1:41).
Without the Holy Spirit, how would Simeon recognize the Messiah? Without the Holy Spirit, how does anybody today recognize Christ? Jesus made it very clear that in order for one to recognize the holy and righteous truth, it must be revealed by the Spirit (Matt. 16:17). The role of the Holy Spirit is to guide the sincere believer into all truth (John 16:13).
When Joseph and Mary arrive at the temple carrying Jesus, it won’t be a coincidence that they run into Simeon as he was led there by the Spirit (Luke 2:26-27). The Holy Spirit led Simeon to the Truth (John 14:6). Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to the temple to do what was custom according to the law. Luke 2:27 speaks of making an offering, sort of like or child dedication services.
In Luke 2:28, Simeon took Jesus into his arms and blessed God. This is a moment where Simeon lays hold of what he had been waiting for – the Consolation of Israel. What is it that led him to this exact moment? His obedience to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As Simeon laid hold of Christ, we should all strive to do the same as God as salvation is available to all people.
God’s Deliverance Available to All
Simeon prayer, in Luke 2:29-32, is essentially a prayer of thanksgiving. Simeon gave thanks to God because the Lord had kept His promise of permitting him to see salvation.
Let’s note Simeon saying that God had prepared salvation before the face of all peoples. Simeon specifically states, “A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.” How could Simeon know these things? Because the Holy Spirit was speaking this truth through Him.
Jesus would later tell His disciples, in John 10:16, “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.” The other fold Jesus spoke of were the fold of the gentile believers.
In God’s promise to Abraham, it is clear that God always planned for gentiles to receive salvation. In His promise to Abraham, God stated, “in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed (Gen. 12:3).” Simeon speaking words spoken by Christ and the Father shows the filling of the Spirit and the divine truth of the words he spoke.
Many people believe that they have to be of Israel to be saved but that is not true. I feel this must be said because there are many that convert to Judaism with the hope of special treatment from God. The fact of the matter is that God gave the world His only begotten Son so that all can be saved (John 3:16). Paul, who was “advanced in Judaism”, encouraged his readers not to turn away from Christ for another gospel (Gal. 1:6-10).
There is no other way for one to gain salvation and be delivered from this world other than Christ. Sure, the Lord will permit you to live any way you desire but if you live without faith in Christ, sin will be your dwelling place.
Salvation Brings Division?
In Luke 2:34, Simeon telling Joseph and Mary that Jesus was “destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel” speaks to the division that Jesus said He brought (Luke 12:51). The truth has a way of separating and dividing, though that is not its intent. How did Jesus cause division?
Sadly, society shows us that many people are happy believing lies and deceptions. Why is that? Because the truth can hurt. Jesus preached that the kingdom of God was at hand and that man must repent and be born again to inherit heaven (John 3:3).
Many of the Jews didn’t believe they needed to repent nor follow Jesus. Why was that? Because they were Abraham’s descendants and didn’t believe they were living in the bondage of sin (John 8:33). They believed that they were already righteous and did not need saving.
There are many today that share this same unjust mindset – they believe themselves to be perfect. Your wealth and status in society is meaningless in the eyes of God as He is only concerned about the soul. Self-righteousness is a great evil that one must turn away from or else condemnation awaits. God does not desire for anyone to perish which is why He gave the world His only begotten Son (2 Pet. 3:9).
The Lord’s desire is for all to come to Him so that they may receive rest from the burden of living in this wicked world (Matt. 11:28). God’s deliverance is available to all but one must choose to be delivered rather than remain in the bondage of sin. Those that choose deliverance are choosing everlasting life in God’s kingdom.
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