Guard Your Heart From the Illusions of Worldly Philosophy | Col. 2:8
January 7, 2025
8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
Colossians 2:8 NKJV
It doesn’t take us very long to realize that we live in a world where one truth isn’t the same as another truth. Some proudly brag about believing in “alternative facts” which simple speaks to subjective truth – truth based on one’s opinion. There’s another truth – the objective truth which is “proved” based on research and agreed to be fact by a majority. These truths, the believer should always keep in mind, are according to the “tradition of men” and are the “basic principles” of the world. Many of these “truths” have led to much anger, much hate, and much violence, and a division all over the world.
As a child of God, you shouldn’t show such devotion to that which is empty and that which divides. Paul encouraged us believers not to cheat ourselves by following these worldly philosophies when we have a better doctrine to follow. The better doctrine to follow is that sound doctrine of Christ – a doctrine that preaches to faith in the infallible one that will supply our every need.
Yes, the world will promise you all sorts of riches and treasures which most of us can’t ever obtain. If somehow we did obtain it, we would find that the treasure is empty of true joy that is long lasting. Yet, the promise of the Lord is that your cup will overflow. God will put everlasting peace in your heart and His joy will remain in your soul all the days of your life.
So, I encourage you today, guard your hearts from the lies and the empty promises of granduer from these worldly doctrines. Let the peace of the Lord make a home in your soul and have rule over your hearts today.
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