Seeking The Truth: How to Affirm God’s Promise
Shared on December 15, 2024
A message from God has been shared with you, what’s the next thing you do? Some will doubt its truth and others will believe. If you doubt a message is from God, is there anything you can do to confirm its truth? In our lesson this week, we’re going to take a look at affirming the promise of God’s word and having faith.
Mary Seeks Affirmation
In the selected scripture of our lesson this week, Mary visited Zacharias and Elizabeth, her relative (Luke 1:39-40). The scripture tells us that Mary went with haste to the city where Zacharias and Elizabeth lived. Why was she moving with haste?
Luke 1:26-38 covers Mary receiving a visit from the angel Gabriel. During Gabriel’s visit, he told Mary that she would conceive in her womb and give birth to the Son of God. Mary was a virgin and struggled to understand how she would conceive and give birth to a child.
At the end of Gabriel’s visit, Mary said to the angel, “Let it be to me according to your word.” Mary was kind of saying something along the lines of, ‘if it’s in God’s will, let it be done.’ Though she makes that statement, there was still some doubt and hesitation on Mary’s part which led her to quickly go visit Elizabeth.
The reason why she quickly went to see Elizabeth was because Gabriel had spoken of Elizabeth’s pregnancy. Now, it was believed that Elizabeth was barren and unable to give birth (Luke 1:7). So, Mary received two messages from Gabriel that she could have found hard to believe. With Elizabeth already being in her sixth month, Mary could easily affirm Gabriel’s message by visiting her relative.
This raises an interesting question for us today: can we affirm a message from God? For example, you’re reading my commentary of this lesson – is there a way to affirm what I am saying is true? You might watch one of my sermons, is there a way to affirm what I am preaching is a message from God?
Listen to the Spirit
Luke 1:41 points out that a couple of things happened when Mary entered the home of Zacharias and Elizabeth. The first thing that happened: the baby leaped in Elizabeth’s womb. The second thing: Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. If you pay close attention to what Elizabeth says, she begins to speak about things that she wouldn’t know of.
For example, the first thing she said to Mary in her greeting was, “Blessed are you among women (Luke 1:42).” Those were the same exact words that Gabriel, the angel, had said to Mary when he visited her (Luke 1:28). Elizabeth also said, “Blessed is the fruit of your womb!” Again, how would she know that about Mary when it was just announced to Mary that she would conceive a child in her womb?
Within Elizabeth is the key to affirming whether or not a word is from the Lord. Sure, the baby was leaping and kicking in Elizabeth’s but not all of us can carry a child. Not only that, but nobody can carry a child for every day of their life!
The Holy Spirit is the key – Elizabeth was filled with the Spirit. The role of the Holy Spirit is to guide us into all truth. Of the Holy Spirit, Jesus taught, “for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak … for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you (John 16:13-14). Elizabeth’s declarations came from above and not from thoughts of her own.
Elizabeth’s declaration is very similar to when Peter said that Jesus was the Son of God (Matt. 16:16). Jesus told Peter that his answer did not come by flesh and blood but had been revealed to Him by the Spirit.
In 1 Corinthians 2:14-15, Paul explained that the “natural man” doesn’t receive things of the Spirit because they are foolish to him. The convicted sinner will never recognize the truth because the Spirit doesn’t abide with them. However, the Spirit resides with those who are of faith which cause us to have the “mind of Christ”.
Yes, it is possible to affirm the truth of a message. Mary went to affirm Gabriel’s message by visual sight but the affirmation came by way of the Spirit. We walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7). Spiritual discernment is the key to understanding whether or not something is righteous or unrighteous. Therefore, one must listen to the Holy Spirit to affirm the promise of God’s word.
Mary Praises the Lord
The affirmation of God’s word brought about great joy for Mary. For us, the affirmation of God’s word should also bring about great joy. This is a joy that’s stirred up through our spirit abiding with the Holy Spirit. This is a joy that is brought on when one is able to spiritually recognize God’s blessings over their life.
Mary rejoiced and sang praises to the Lord. She first praised the Lord for regarding her “lowly state” (Luke 1:48). Mary saying her “lowly state” could mean two things: This could be a praise of God for recognizing her humility or a praise for God choosing her even though she didn’t have much.
Sometimes we let what we have or don’t have define our position in God’s eyes. Do you think God will pick or not pick you because of how much or how little wealth you have? Those are matters that man pays more attention to and judges others by. As Gabriel had told Mary, she was highly favored and blessed among women even though she may have not had much at all.
As you go through Mary’s song of praise, you should begin to notice that, like Elizabeth, she was filled with the Spirit. When Mary had asked Gabriel how she could conceive a child when she was a virgin. Gabriel told her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you (Luke 1:35).”
In her song of praise, Mary said, “His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation (Luke 1:50).” These are very similar words to what God proclaimed when He passed before Moses (Ex. 34:6-7). Sure, we can teach and preach those words but in this spontaneous moment of praise for Mary, this is the Spirit speaking!
From Luke 1:51-55, Mary sings praises about what God has done. Again, one can read in scripture about what God has done and then teach about what He has done. However, this song of praise from Mary is spontaneous and her words are coming from a heart guided by the Spirit.
For example, Mary sang out, “He has shown strength with His arm; scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.” I find in these words a mix of Isaiah’s prophecy and Paul’s teachings.
In Isaiah 41:10, the Lord proclaimed that we should not fear nor be dismayed because He will strengthen and uphold with His righteous right hand. In his letters, Paul often wrote about how the Lord gives the self-righteous over to a reprobate mind (Rom. 1:28). Isaiah’s prophecy came from the mouth of God and the Holy Spirit resided with Paul.
Affirming God’s Word
Is it wrong to question when someone says they are speaking and sharing a message on behalf of the Lord? Absolutely not.
We are repeatedly warned in the word about false teachers, preachers, and leaders. In Matthew 7:15-16, Jesus warned, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Then Jesus said, “You will know them by their fruits.”
Listen and then discern spiritually. I want to also be aware and mention that when I talk about spiritual discernment, I’m not talking about “judging by feelings”. Listen, the devil loves to play around with feelings and has led many generations astray by their feelings.
Jesus said that we will know the difference between one preaching truth and lies by their fruits. Yes, actions speak louder than words and even actions can be deceiving. So, the key is to proceed with caution. When it comes to a word taught or preached, make sure you always open up God’s word and verify the text. Let the Spirit guide you into all truth in the word as well.
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