How to Find Perfect Joy? Cut out the Confusion!

Shared on December 22, 2024


‘Tis the season where many are doing their best to “get in the Christmas spirit” and to find that “joy of the season”.  Yet, with all the hustle and bustle of the shopping, the music, and the Christmas specials, these devices have left some of us frustrated and even empty of joy.  Why aren’t those things working? If you will permit me, I desire to share a word that will help you to find true joy, not just in this season, but in every season.

The Journey to Joy

In Matthew 2:1-2, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem, we are told that a group of wise men, following a star, came from the East to Jerusalem.  In scripture, one is considered wise not because of what they know of the world but because they fear the Lord and seek to understand Him (Prov. 1:7). 

The group came asking, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?  For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.”  To worship means to honor, to exalt, to rejoice, to praise and be filled with even greater joy.  So, this group of wise men were on a journey in search of that great joy which would come from the King— the Christ (or Messiah).

Now, to find that great joy, we are also told that the wise men followed “a star”.  This star, we should understand, was no ordinary star as the wise men had never seen it in the night sky.  So, this was a star that appeared just for this special occasion. I want you to understand that this “star” was supernatural – it was of the Lord.

Today, consider this star as a representation of God and the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers.  You see, God was using this star like how the Holy Spirit works in the live of believers. The star was used to lead the wise men to His only begotten Son.  One of the roles the Holy Spirit plays in the life of the believer is to lead us into all truth (John 16:13).  

So, the basics of finding true joy on our journey have already been laid before us.  What are the basics? One must move with wisdom.  One must also choose to follow the star – the Holy Spirit – in faith and in complete obedience. 

Trust That God Will Lead You to His Joy 

Now, one of the more fascinating parts about the wise men’s journey to joy was their being in Jerusalem.  Have you ever wondered why the group of wise men were brought to Jerusalem?  You will likely say, “Pastor, scripture just said they came looking for the King to worship”.  

Now, think about this:  with God leading them, why did He bring them to Jerusalem?  Surely God knew that His Son was in Bethlehem!  Did God get confused or forget where Jesus was?  Did God need to get lost and need directions from man to help Him out?  Did God get distracted from the task? 

Those are thoughts we often have when we believe our blessing and joy have been delayed.  Sometimes we think God doesn’t know what He is doing when it comes to blessing us.  We will call ourselves trying to help Him out by giving Him directions!  Let me tell you, when it comes to our joy and blessings, God doesn’t need our directions.

God’s Joy Troubles the World 

Now, for the wise men, God had brought them to Jerusalem because there was work to be done.  You see, when they asked where Christ was, their question served as an announcement of the birth of the Messiah.

Matthew 2:3 tells us that Herod and all of Jerusalem was troubled when they heard of the wise men’s search.  Why were they all troubled?  Well, they knew the prophecies of the Messiah and what He was suposed to do. They knew it was prophesied that the government would be upon the shoulders of Him and He would be ruler in Israel (Is. 9:6; Mic. 5:2).

You see, Herod enjoyed the pleasures that came with being king in Jerusalem.  Herod’s friends, family, and supporters likely benefited from his rule and also enjoyed certain pleasures.  So, the prospects of a Messiah rising to “his throne” was a threat to them and they didn’t want their joy – a joy that was of the world – to be ruined.  Many sinners share this same mindset about God and His only begotten Son. 

The world’s contempt of God’s joy

  So, unlike the wise men, we will see that Herod moved as a fool, one that Proverbs tells us despises God’s instruction.  After consulting with the chief priests and the scribes about the location of where Christ was supposed to be born, Herod secretly met with the wise men.  Herod wanted to know the exact time the wise men saw the star as He was trying to pinpoint the age of the child (Matt. 2:7).

Herod then gave the wise men the location of where Christ was believed to have been born.  Herod said to the wise men, “Go and search carefully for the young Child, and when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also (Matt. 2:8).”

Some of us may think to ourselves that Herod did a good thing – that he helped out.  Now, it may seem like Herod was acting out of the good grace of his heart but there was no grace in his heart.  You see, Herod didn’t share the same motivations the wise men had in their search for Christ.  Herod’s desire was all about his pleasures and joy— he desired to protect his joy!

In fact, Matthew 2:16, shows us the great wickedness of Herod as he ordered that all male boys 2 years and under were to be put to death!   Herod sought to kill the Messiah for fear of losing his power and joy. Herod sought to kill and take God’s joy out of the world! 

On the journey to joy, you are going to encounter people like Herod!  They are those who are of a foolish and wicked spirit that stand in contempt of God’s joy.

Let’s also not overlook the fact that Herod also tried to hide and disguise his true intentions behind false worship and religion.  Notice how in Matthew 2:8 that Herod told the wise men to return and let him know exactly where Christ was so that he could also worship Christ.  Herod had no desire to worship Christ!

We must be conscious of the fact that the wicked will often hide and disguise their intentions by using God’s name in vain. We all must be conscious of the fact that not everyone we encounter on this journey is searching to find the same joy that we are.  You must be conscious of who it is that might be trying to help you find joy because not everyone may not be in it to help you. 

You see, the intentions of the wicked are always the same, no matter what— they are always self-severing!  No matter what the wicked say, their intentions are to fill their own joy with no care for the joy of others. If you’re one that believe you can find, obtain, and maintain joy by following Herod’s example, you are terribly confused.  Joy cannot be found, obtained, nor maintained through selfishness nor by any earthly devices.

What Is Joy?

So, to obtain joy, we must understand what joy is and where it comes from.  

In the dictionary, joy is defined as an emotion evoked by well-being, success, good fortune, or by the prospect of possessing what one desires.  Do you find a problem with this definition?  I find a problem with this definition.  What is my problem?

This definition of joy is heavily influenced by an earthly mindset.  You see, earthly joy is built off the need to satisfy our wants by being dependent on earthly devices – what we can buy, who or what can satisfy our wants.  However, those earthly devices can only satisfy for a moment before their satisfaction gives way to emptiness and, in some cases, inner turmoil that we may be trying to hide from.  

True joy is of God

Now, God both tells and shows us that true joy is of Him and comes from Him.  Let us remember what the angel proclaimed to the shepherds that were watching over their flock the night Jesus was born.  The angel proclaimed, “I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.  For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10-11).

Again, God gave the world abundant life, hope, and joy by giving His only begotten Son.  Since joy is of God and comes from Him, let’s understand that this means true joy is holy and righteous— it is perfect and without flaw!  Rather than being something that will fade away, true joy, just like God, is long lasting.  

Joy doesn’t come from obtaining the “good fortune” of riches nor does joy come from the prospect of possessing such!  “The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking,” Paul said, “but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17).”  When we are having health issues, we don’t go to a car mechanic to help us, do we?  So, if I’m trying to fill my soul with joy, why would I turn to the world and not the one who made my soul?

Perfect joy will never be found when one is dependent on earthly devices to give it to them.  Joy is the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the lives of all of those who are of sincere faith and trust the Lord (Gal. 5:22).

How to Find and Obtain Perfect Joy  

The journey to finding joy is not a mystery nor is it impossible to find.  In order for us to find God’s great joy we must first shut off the noise and confusion of the world.  To do that, we must start by letting go of our dependence on earthly devices.  When we let go of our dependence on earthly devices, we must draw closer to Him and depend on Him.  As we draw closer to the Lord and depend on Him, God will abide with us, and He will give of Himself and His perfect joy in fellowship!

Found in fellowship and helping others

Now, something that we must understand about being in fellowship with God and receiving of His joy is that God will give us joy in multiple ways.  One of those ways has already been laid out before us.  Paul quoted some teaching he received from Christ in Acts 20:35, when he said, “It is more blessed to give than receive.”

In Matthew 2:9, it is implied that the star wasn’t visible to anyone in Jerusalem, but appeared again after the wise men left.  While they were in Jerusalem, I believe that the star had come to dwell in the hearts of the wise men, just as the Holy Spirit abides within us. The glory of God had begun to speak through the wise men in Jerusalem as they testified of the birth of the Messiah.  While most of those in Jerusalem were troubled by the news of Christ’s birth, there was like a small number of people that was filled with great joy at hearing about the birth of Christ (Luke 2:22-38)!

Now, this may not be the kind of joy you are searching for, but there is great joy when God will use you to be a blessing to others. Yes, God will use you to bring tidings of great joy to others so that their joy may also be filled!  Again, as Paul was taught, it is better to give than to receive! So, when we turn down such opportunities to be a blessing and bring great joy, let’s understand that we’re also turning down our own joy. 

We cannot be like wicked men and be selfish about our own joy. Joy is meant to be shared and God’s children should be willing to share such joy to the world!  

Found setting your mind and heart towards the Lord

The most prominent way that God gives us joy is when we simply follow Him – though that is easier said than done.  What can help us to follow God is by, again, cancelling out the confusion of the world and setting our mind and heart towards Him.

You see, only the wise men could see Christ’s star because their hearts sought Him.  The wise men had a mind that was set towards the kingdom of God! Matthew 7:7 tells us that when you seek Him, you will find Him!  

Matthew 2:9 serves as a wonderful reminder that in all we go through, God is still with us and He will make His presence known to us when He ordains it.  This also further confirms that God didn’t stop in Jerusalem to get directions! As a child of God, we must also come to realize that we don’t need directions from those of the world in order to be blessed and filled with joy! We have our star and must follow His directions!

As Paul wrote In 1 Corinthians 2:9-10, “‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of men the things which God has prepared for those who love Him’.  But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit.” You see, if your mind is set towards God and you aren’t of the Spirit, you will never perceive His directions.  If you can’t receive God’s directions nor follow them, then you will never be filled with His joy.  

We cannot grumble and complain about not having joy in our heart when we don’t seek to know the Spirit!  We cannot grumble and complain about not being “in the Christmas spirit” when we don’t know the Lord nor seek Him!  Let’s stop complaining and set our mind and heart towards the Lord and then His joy will be revealed!

The Reward of a Faithful Journey 

With their heart and mind set towards obtaining the joy of the Lord, we are told that they followed the star until it stood over where the young Child was (Matt. 2:9-10).  Jesus was no longer in a manger but was with Mary in a house (Matt. 2:11).  It was in that house that the wise men rejoiced with great joy as they worshiped Christ.

Their journey from the East to Bethlehem was an interesting one but by following their star, faithfully, they found God’s great joy and had their joy filled.  Our journey is just as curious as we are often met with some confusion, wicked people with evil intentions, and a devil that will do his best to stop us from receiving God’s great joy.  This world is certainly a ball of noise and confusion, where finding joy may seem impossible, but the story of the wise men shows us that true joy can be found.

Through faithful obedience and a mind that is set towards the Lord, we can cut through all of the confusion and find that great joy that is of Christ.  So, let us turn away from those earthly devices that don’t bring joy but can certainly bring on a headache.  Let us turn away from those that will keep up a bunch of noise and hinder us on our journey to finding joy.  Let us turn our attention to God, meditate and focus on Him.  The end of fellowship in the Lord is abundant life, hope, and His great joy.

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