Move With Purpose and Shine Bright | Heb. 13:9
December 30, 2024
9 Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them.
Hebrews 13:9 NKJV
“It is good that the heart be established by grace”. If there is anything that you want to carry with you into the new year, let it be these words. There are many who will say that they are of grace but grace is not in their hearts. Grace is of God – His unmerited love for mankind. God has shown us both grace and mercy through the giving of His only begotten Son.
When we think about grace, we should think the opposite of selfishness— generosity. Generosity is the last thing that is going to be on the minds of many people as we continue to move forward. You see, the hearts of many have been established by selfishness and greed. What has that ever profited anyone?
You see, what pours out of such hearts is a cold bitterness that has left many freezing in the cold. Not only have such hearts not profited anybody, but such hearts don’t even profit the individual as the soul slowly dies in bitterness. God’s grace warms the soul and it brings it to life. You, when you move and share such grace, you are also able to lift up and bring life to a soul as well.
I do believe that many light bearers will be needed in the coming years. So, in order for us to liven up the souls of those around us, we must make sure our own heart is established by grace and nothing else. Let God’s grace establish your heart and then you move in His grace!
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