Put Your Past Behind You! | Is. 43:25-26
October 3, 2023
Food For Thought For October 3, 2023
Put Your Past Behind You! | Isaiah 43:25-26
Read This Passage: Isaiah 43:22-2825 “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; And I will not remember your sins.
Isaiah 43:25-26 NKJV
26 Put Me in remembrance; Let us contend together; State your case, that you may be acquitted.
As much as many of us would like to move on from our past, it can be a struggle to put our past behind us as it may always seem to haunt us. To make matters worse, when we are trying to do our best to live a Christ-like life, we can feel that our sinful past is holding us back! So, how do we get over our sinful past so that it no longer hinders us from living a Christ-like life?
Scripture often speaks of how we should put our old self behind us as God, through our faith, has made us a new creature. As we see here in the book of Isaiah, the first step for us to get over our past is to remember the Lord. Some of us get into the bad habit of trying to take on challenges – like getting over our past – by ourselves. This is always dangerous for you to do as you, the sincere believer, are living in fellowship with the Lord; He doesn’t want you taking on anything by yourself!
Secondly, we should consider the fact that God has forgiven us – He has blotted out your sinful past! The Lord has said that He will not remember your sins! So, if God will not remember your sins, can’t you move on from your sins and enjoy the new life that God has given to you? Thirdly, if your past is such a heavy burden, confess what’s making you feel so guilty and God says He will acquit you! You may think this is easier said than done, but this is the foundation of our faith – trust in the Lord and believe that He has washed away your sins.
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