When I think about steps being in order, I am reminded of my glory years marching with the S.O.S Express Marching Band of Creekside in Fairburn, GA. Our discipline was definitely lacking but boy could we put on a show. You had to be able to march – high step – in unison hitting 90 degrees with every step. We spent plenty of practices trying to hit 10 to 5 – that is 10 steps per every 5 yards – this was the goal to keep lines straight as we marched out on the field.
I am also reminded of the military, specifically the color guard who presents colors prior to the start of games. No matter the level I always admire how in step they are with presenting the colors. I have gone to several high school football games, pro baseball games and I cannot tell you one time I seen a color guard out of step. It is absolutely amazing!
In today’s sermon, I am asking you a very important question: Are your steps in order? To be a bit more specific, are your steps in order with the Lord? My concern is for both believers and non-believers. I am focusing on faith to start this new year off.
Are your steps ordered by the Lord?
In our text, which comes from a psalm of David, we see an older and a bit wiser King David. The very first thing he says in our text is that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.
23 The steps of a good man are [d]ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. 24 Though he
Psalm 37:23-24 NKJVfall , he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.
We come into every new year setting resolutions and making goals. We want to stop cussing; stop eating badly; start exercising more. All of these resolutions and goals we make are for ourselves to be a better person. We are trying our best to be a “good” person. Yet, as David said, to be that good person it means the Lord should be ordering your steps.
How many of us set a resolution to allow God to step in and take control of our life? How many of us said I want the Lord to order my steps in 2015? Sure, many folks were in the church building on New
David said that a good man steps are ordered by the Lord (this includes women as well by the way). My study bible will take that word ordered and say that it means established. When something is established I think of something that is begun or started. It is the Lord that starts the good man’s steps!
God picks up the good man’s leg. It is the Lord that sit the good man’s feet down when it lands. It is the Lord that is establishing the path the good man is walking down in his life. Not only that but David says in verse 37 that the Lord Himself DELIGHTS at being able to order the steps of the good man.
The fight for control
We make a really big deal with being in “control”. When we start hearing the phrase “let God control our lives” we start to combat it by saying we control our own life. It is me that live on this planet, right? It is I that have to make decisions daily, right?
I hear many folks, all the time, talking about controlling their own destiny. Nobody wants to be a Pinocchio, right? Nobody wants to have strings attached to them while a puppet master is in “control” of their life. The Lord is no puppet master and we are not His puppets. We (those that believe) are His children! The most remarkable thing about the Lord is that He is our Father. Our Father wants to make sure we are going down a solid and right path in our life.
That is exactly how my dad was when it came to my sister and my brother. I don’t know about your dad but mine wanted to always make sure that his children were doing well. He taught us that we could be what we wanted to be and to do the absolute best at what we choose to do. My dad was love but his love does not compare with that of the Lord. Our heavenly father wants to order our steps – which is to say He wants to establish those steps. If there is anybody you would want guiding your steps in the life you live it ought to be the Lord!
This does not mean life is going to somehow be easy.
I am not saying that your life is going to be any easier, in fact, life will begin to get testy. All of those resolutions we make to try and be a better person – cussing, drinking, smoking, exercising – you will notice that all of it begins to get tested. You know your weaknesses and so does the devil himself and you better believe he is going to drive you to take another sip, to inhale that cigarette just one more time.
The Lord Will Pick You Up
When your steps are ordered by the Lord you have to remember that He has taking delight in your steps. This means that when you stumble along the path the Lord is going to be there to lift you up! David says in verse 24:
24 Though he (that is the good man) fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.
As the song says – “We fall down, but we get up”. It is the Lord that will lift you back up and continue to order your steps! How many of you have fallen down in life and the Lord has lifted you up? How many of us have fallen down in life and felt like we’re still just falling and falling and falling? If you’re falling and falling and falling let me tell you this, my friend, it is time for you to allow the Lord to establish your steps.
I will not sit here and lead you to believe that life will somehow get easier for you by just saying you believe in the Lord. However, the one thing I can assure you is that when you do start trusting in the
Oh, how I have fallen down on my face in life – several times – yet the Lord continues to place His blessings before me and my loved ones. Those of you that do not quite believe may be wondering why should you deserve to upheld by the Lord. You may wonder if you deserve to be picked up at all. As David said in verse 26, the Lord is ever merciful.
25 I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread. 26 He is ever merciful, and lends; And his descendants are blessed.
Psalm 37:25-26 NKJV
The Lord’s love
It is so hard for us to understand the love of the Lord. We struggle to understand why He would choose to be born on earth and live among His creation. It is hard
The Lord delights in those whose steps HE order. He is not going to forsake you should you fall down my friends, my brothers, and sisters in Christ. This is important to know! If the Lord delights in you, why would He turn His back on you? He would not! If the Lord has taken to delight in your steps you will be fine all the days of your life. Continue to trust in the Lord and trust that He is guiding you down your path in life. TRUST IN THE LORD!
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