The Open Door Before You Series

January 7, 2024 – January 21, 2024

On your journey through life, you will come across several doors before that can and will open to you. However, do you know which doors that open to you are doors opened by God? In this series, we take a look at the door of God to see who has authority over that door, what’s on the other side of it, and who it is that God opens His doors to. This is a very important series for all of those who truly desire to prosper and find true success in life.

1. An Open Door Before You

Preached January 7, 2024

The pathway to prospering and success is right before you but do you recognize and see it? In today’s sermon I take the open door set before you by the Lord – what it is, what it leads to, and how we ought to always enter through the door of God.

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2. How to Tell When God is Opening Doors

Preached January 14, 2024

Are you able to tell when God is opening doors up for you in your life? In this week’s sermon, I take a look at Proverbs 9 to reveal to you the signs on God’s doors so that you are able to recognize God’s doors and when they are opened to you.

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3. Receiving the Keys to Heaven

Preached January 21, 2024

Did you know that there are keys to heaven? In today’s sermon, I take a look at how we can receive the keys to the kingdom of heaven. I will also focus on the great responsibility that all keyholders carry.

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