Tune Out the Naysayer and Know That God Will | Num. 13:30-31
January 21, 2025
30 Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.” 31 But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we.”
Number 13:30-31 NKJV
Ten spies went into the Promised Land and only two of the spies came out with confidence that the children of Israel could take the land. Caleb and Joshua was confident – fully confident – of what the children of Israel could do. Why were they so confident? Their confidence was put in God. You see, they remembered all that the Lord had done for the children of Israel when they were living as slaves in Egypt. Their mindset was if God was able to bring them out from the powerful hands of Pharaoh, surely God could do the same for them in the Promised Land.
However, eight other spies doubted and was afraid that the people in Caanan were stronger than them. Who is that is stronger than God? You see, Caleb and Joshua saw God as their strength. There is nobody that is stronger than the Almighty.
I share this scripture with you today because we all eventually come face to face with a doubter. Sometimes, that doubter can be ourselves. Don’t ever let the doubter get to you! Don’t ever let the doubter persuade you to believe what you cannot do. You can do anything by the strength of God’s hands. The moment you can’t do anything is the moment you actually begin to believe that you cannot.
So, I encourage you today to tune out the naysayers and those who speak against what you can and cannot do. You can do absolutely anything if you believe that God is able. Trust me, God is able and God will do, for you.
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