Food For Thought

“I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. You asked, ‘Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.

Job 42:2-3 NKJV

I believe that all of us will admit that there is a lot of mess in our world.  I know that some will put their blinders on, but it’s hard to miss the things that go on in the world.  It’s honestly sad the world is the way it is when we consider that after God completed His creation, He saw that all of it was good.  When sin entered the picture, because of man’s disobedience, it went to work tarnishing and corrupting everything.

However, though we live in a sinful world, let’s understand that there is still beauty that is present.  You see, there is beauty in God’s love.  In God’s love, there is hope.  However, in all that we go through, it can be hard for some of us to see such beauty.  Job was a man that went through so much that his thoughts, and the belief that God was against him, blinded him from the truth.

Like Job, many of us are blinded to the beauty of hope and living in the hope of God.  Once God spoke to him, Job’s eyes were opened to the great truth.  God can do any and everything.  What this means is that even in this sinful world, God is still able to do anything for you.  We should not let any misgivings have rule over us and cause us to think foolishly, and then blind us from a wonderful truth.

God is there, He is with you, and He is still able to put beauty into this sinful world.

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