Bible Study Season 7 Study

Bible Study Season 7

Currently in session

This season of studies will dive deep into some harsh truths that we must come to face, know, and understand. Included in this season of studies will be a deep look into the seven churches of the book of Revelation. God has a message – His divine truth – that we must come to realize and then share with all of those around us.

1. Is It Possible to Labor for God Without Love?

October 4, 2023

Is it possible to labor for the Lord without compassion and without love within your heart? In this week’s study, I dive into the church of Ephesus to take a look at why we should remember our first love and do the first works.

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2. Be Steadfast Through Trial and Tribulation

October 11, 2023

In this week’s bible study, we take a look at the persecuted church in Smyrna. The collective church still faces persecution today and we take at how being steadfast can help us handle and overcome all persecution.

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3. Should You Ever Compromise Your Faith?

October 18, 2023

In this week’s study, we take a look at the church in Pergamos as it began to take its first steps into compromising its faith. Should you ever compromise your faith? What could lead to this and what should one day if they feel they ever find themselves in a position of compromising their faith?

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4. Being Steadfast in Faith in a Corrupt World

October 25, 2023

In this week’s study, we take a look at the corrupt church in Pergamos to see what happens when one compromises their faith so much that they corrupt their soul. Jesus has a message to those living in a corrupt world that we must know.

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5. The Dead Church: Is the Church Dying?

November 1, 2023

In this week’s study, we take a look at the church in Sardis, a church whose works Jesus said were not perfect before God. Why was this church dead in it works? We will also take a look at whether or not today’s church is dying.

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6. The Faithful Church: The Reward of Faith

November 8, 2023

In our study this week, we take a look at the faithful church of Philadelphia as we will see that the Lord sets doors before us which opens to several opportunities. You will see how important it is to move with sincere faith and the reward that awaits all of God’s faithful.

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7. The Lukewarm Church: A Wake-Up Call to the Church

November 15, 2023

In this week’s study, we take a look at the church of the Laodiceans. This was a church filled with lukewarm believers that Jesus had a rebuke and warning for. Jesus’ rebuke and warning for this church has become a wake-up call for all believers.

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8. The Importance of Going to Church

November 29, 2023

In this week’s study, I take a look at scripture from Hebrews 10:19-25 and go over the importance of going to church and what we can get out of attending service that we do not get when we’re missing.

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9. Growing Confident in Your Prayer Life

December 6, 2023

How confident are you in your prayer life? In this week’s bible study, I take a look at not only the importance of prayer but also how we should not be afraid to go to God in prayer.

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10. Why Jesus Was Given to the World

December 13, 2023

In this week’s study, I take a look at why Jesus was given to the world and what it was that drove God to give the world His only begotten Son. I take a look at God’s law and Jesus being the end of the law.

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11. Are You Neglecting Salvation?

January 10, 2024

This week’s study is the first study in the “Six Great Warnings” series of studies. This bible study series will cover six warnings found in the Epistle to the Hebrews. This week, I go over scripture from Hebrews 2:1-4 which warns against neglecting salvation and drifting away.

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12. Danger of Hardening Your Heart Against God

January 17, 2024

In this week’s study, I take a look at the second warning in the epistle to the Hebrews about hardening your heart. To see the danger of one hardening their heart, we take a look at Pharaoh and the consequences of when Israel hardened their hearts in rebellion against God in the Wilderness of Paran.

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13. Are You Listening to God or Not?

January 24, 2024

In this week’s bible study, we take a look at the warning and end results of one not listening to God. There are two pathways you can take in life – the pathway to righteousness and the pathway to condemnation. Which do you desire?

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14. Can a Believer Lose Salvation

January 31, 2024

Scripture both promises and warns about salvation. We can gain salvation but is it possible for one to lose salvation? In this week’s study we go over God’s will, the promise of salvation, and the sealing of salvation. Salvation can’t be lost but one can miss it.

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15. Blaspheming the Spirit: A Very Serious Warning

February 21, 2024

Our study this week takes a look at the fifth warning found in the epistle to the Hebrews. Scripture shows us that one should live in fear of blaspheming the Spirit. Join me in today’s study as we take a look at the consequence of becoming an enemy of God.

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16. Don’t You Refuse Listening To The Voice Of God

February 28, 2024

How do you think God will judge those that deny Him. In the last study of this series, the writer warns of the day when the voice of God will shake all things. Join Pastor McCrary in this week’s study as we study of the peril of denying God.

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17. God’s Plan For Us Is Not Hidden

March 6, 2024

Have you ever wondered, what is God’s plan? Scripture does not hide God’s plan from us. Join Pastor McCrary as we take a look at why God created us.

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18. God’s Promise to the World and to Mankind

March 13, 2024

When God calls out to you, what do you do? God has made a promise to you if you choose to listen and obey Him. God’s promise should be taken seriously and we should move towards His promise. Join Pastor McCrary in this week’s study to take a look at how one should respond to God’s promise.

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19. A New Covenant: God Is Faithful to His Promise

March 20, 2024

When God makes a promise, you better believe God is faithful to His promise. Join Pastor McCrary to take a look at God’s faithfulness in the promise of the new covenant.

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20. The New Covenant:  Living Under the Grace of God

March 27, 2024

Our study this week closes out our journey to the cross. The promise of the new covenant is sealed and we now live under grace. Join Pastor McCrary to take a look at the pivotal moments of the Last Supper and Jesus on the cross.

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