The Profound Love of Standing up for Another
Shared on January 29, 2025
What do you think of when you hear the word love? Honestly, when I think of love, I think of what is becoming more and more rare in the world. We live in a world where moving against others is more celebrated than helping someone. The worst part is that so-called “believers” are the ones celebrating the hurt of others.
Yet, there is a kind of love that I truly do believe we are capable of that pleases the Lord. Our study this week, in my opinion, is very timely. This week’s study picks up with Joseph and his brothers after they had returned to Egypt with Benjamin. Love will be at the forefront of our study as Joseph’s brothers will have a choice to make.
The Definition of Love
By now, we should know that love is not simply a word we say— love is an action. We must not confuse the world’s idea of love with true love.
The world’s idea of love is based on the act of showing affection for others through the flesh and with earthly devices. For example, the giving of gifts is a “show” of affection. Going on dates, and treating someone special, is all a part of the world’s concept of showing love. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with showing such when it’s sincere. However, we know that sincerity is almost becoming a rarity in our society.
Now, through His word, God presents what love is. God shows us that love is faithful (patient) and doesn’t leave nor forsake. Love does not mistreat, take advantage of, use, abuse, offend, or mistreat. Love sends His only begotten Son for mankind, to save from eternal condemnation. Love shows mankind the way of righteousness so that everlasting life can be obtained.
Christ told His disciples that there is no greater love than one laying down their life for their friends (John 15:13). What is meant by that is that there is no greater love when one intercedes and gives their all for another. Jesus gave His life so that we may know peace and joy. If we were to move out of true love today, it would uplift others to know peace and joy. Causing pain and suffering will never be a show of true love!
Joseph’s Final Test
After giving a feast to his brothers, Joseph had one last test for his older brothers. Joseph had their sacks filled with as much food as they could carry, and again, he had their money put in their sacks (Gen. 44:1). Then, Joseph had his silver cup put in Benjamin’s sack (Gen. 44:2). When the next day came and his brothers were returning home, he let them get a distance away before having them detained and searched (Gen. 44:3-12).
When it was revealed that the cup was in Benjamin’s sack, they were all brought back to Joseph’s house. For this “thievery”, Joseph said he would have Benjamin as his slave while permitting the others to return home in peace (Gen. 44:14-17). Let me remind you, again, that Joseph’s brothers still have no idea who he is.
Let’s understand that Joseph was testing the love of his brothers. In a manner, they have shown their honesty but now they need to prove their love. So, this test was putting Joseph’s brothers in a position where they had to make a choice: were they going to give away another brother or stand up for him?
Judah Stands up for Benjamin
So, seeing that the “stranger” desired to enslave Benjamin, Judah stood up and pleaded on behalf of his brother’s liberty.
Judah explained the significance of Benjamin in the life of their dad, Jacob. He said to Joseph, “The lad cannot leave his father, for if he should leave his father, his father would die (Gen. 44:22).” Jacob had even admitted to his sons that Benjamin was his lifeline and losing him would be the end of him (Gen. 42:38)!
Before leaving Canaan, in Genesis 43:9, Judah promised Jacob that he would keep Benjamin safe. Judah even told Jacob that he could hold him personally responsible should anything happen to Benjamin. So, let’s be very clear about this: Judah was not only standing up for Benjamin, but he was also being faithful to Jacob (Gen. 44:24-32).
Now, we should not overlook the significance of what Judah did in this moment. Judah was showing tremendous growth when you consider that he was the main one to put forth the plan of selling Joseph away (Gen. 37:26-27). No, Judah didn’t want to kill Joseph, but selling Joseph away wasn’t that much better.
So, this turnaround for Judah is remarkable because it shows faithfulness, and faithfulness is made up of love. Where Judah had envied Joseph for being the favorite in the past, clearly he had grown past that mindset of envy.
Judah sacrifices himself
What Judah would go on to say next to Joseph, is going to be the display of love that makes God smile. Judah said to Joseph, “Please, let your servant remain instead of the lad as a slave to my lord, and let the lad go up with his brothers (Gen. 44:33).”
I want you to understand that Judah desired to take the place of Benjamin as a slave! Judah was willing to give up his freedom – his life – for Benjamin’s life and freedom! This is the kind of love that God will never overlook, especially when you consider He gave His only begotten Son to take the place of man so that man could have life more abundantly!
Does this mean that we need to sacrifice our lives to please the Lord? Absolutely not! Judah was giving everything he could to protect and save Benjamin. Not only was Judah standing up for Benjamin but let’s keep in mind that promise he made a promise to Jacob. In this case, there was nothing that Judah could give for Benjamin’s freedom besides his own life.
Have you made a promise to God to give your everything for those around you? If you say no, and you’re a confessed believer, you will want to think again. Jesus said that we should love the Lord with our whole heart and we should love our neighbor as we love ourselves (Matt. 22:36-40). The child of God is suppose to stand up for others, especially those who are in need and can’t stand up for themselves!
You see, God smiles when we give our everything to help others to prosper. God made us so that we can be fruitful and multiply – to prosper – together (Gen. 1:28). Whatever we can do to help another to prosper, that pleases the Lord. However, when we choose to hinder another from a place of greed, selfishness, and hatred, we should know well that such action does not please the Lord.
Again, note the faithfulness that Judah speaks of towards his dad, as he spoke to Joseph. Judah asked, “How shall I go up to my father if the lad is not with me (Gen. 44:34)?” Can you see why the tribe of Judah was chosen to give way to Christ? Like Judah, Jesus would sacrifice His life so that He could bring God’s children back home with Him! When we move out of loyalty and faithfulness to each other, God smiles.
Joseph Reveals Himself
As we will see in Genesis 45:1-3, Judah’s love and faithfulness truly moved Joseph. Joseph had put his brothers through a rigorous test in testing their word and their honesty and they had passed his test.
Jesus taught that if one repents of their wrongdoing, we ought to forgive them (Luke 17:3). Joseph, we’ll see, dropped the veil and revealed himself to his brothers. Joseph cried out so loud that scripture states that the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh could hear him!
Now, I’m going to hold off on going over this revelation in this week’s study, but I do want to point out that this was a moment that had built up for several years. This is a moment where you just have to imagine that all of what Joseph had gone through, and overcoming it all, was now pouring out of him! Even more, the beauty of this moment is that in all he had gone through, Joseph, in his character, had not changed.
Did Joseph become bitter after his brothers gave him away? Had Joseph become cold-hearted and mean-spirited after his brothers gave him away? The only real change that occurred within Joseph was his boldness and maturity of faith. Even after he had gained such a high position in Egypt, Joseph was still that loving kid who moved by faith and lived with hope in his heart.
Now, we’re going to dive more into that thought in what will be our last bible study on Joseph in next week’s study. So, I certainly hope that you enjoyed this study and that you’ll come back for next week’s study.
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